British Online Summer School - Careers

As part of our Summer School offering this year, we’re offering our students a fantastic opportunity to begin thinking about careers. Whilst at university, many students complete work experience and internships during their long breaks or summer holidays. This allows them to gain valuable experience of different job sectors and helps them to stand out when they are applying for jobs during their final year of university.

Our summer course will allow you to start preparing for how you might approach these job opportunities!

Key areas that are covered during the course include:

  • An introduction to the Job Market in the UK.

  • Career identification based on student skill-sets.

  • Developing that all important Curriculum Vitae (CV) to help with job applications.

  • Interview preparation including role-play scenarios.

  • Career planning.

Please scan the QR below to find out more or email

We look forward to hearing with you!

Oscar Hardy