British Online Summer School - Let's Write!

British Online Summer School: Let’s write!

For most academic undergraduate courses, being able to write well is key to student success. This is the case even for subjects that are not traditionally considered to be ‘essay based’, such as economics. Methods of assessment at university can be very coursework oriented and often take the form of essays or papers. This means students are expected to read widely around a particular subject, demonstrate their understanding of it as well as formulate and argue their opinion in a succinct way. One of the key challenges students face in doing so is essay structure.

Our carefully planned essay writing course is guaranteed to build student confidence in tackling these demanding essays and provide them with a toolkit for further study at A-Level or University.


Please find the course breakdown below:


Session 1: 

The Well-written Essay 

Students are introduced to good practice in writing and study the anatomy of well-constructed essays alongside key elements of grammar for essay-writing. 

Session 2: 

Critical Analysis of Sources 

Students are taught how to research an essay effectively by critically analysing  sources of information alongside key elements of grammar for essay-writing. 

Session 3: 

Effective Essay Planning 

Students are taught how to plan an essay effectively for structure and content alongside key elements of grammar for essay-writing. 

Session 4: 

Essay Sections 

Students are taught the type of writing appropriate for each section of the essay: introduction, body and conclusion. 

Session 5: 

Analysing the Question 

Students learn different types of essays and the purpose of each.  Students learn how to analyse a question effectively before planning a response. 

Session 6: 

Key Preparation for Essay Writing 

Students learn how to prepare for writing essays effectively, whether as extended project for their coursework or timed essay response in examinations. 

Session 7: 

Effective Redrafting 

Students are taught how to redraft effectively and how to write under pressured situations. 

Session 8: 

Referencing & Bibliographies 

Students are taught how to use referencing and bibliographies effectively in their essays to evidence any claims they make. 

Session 9: 

Evaluating your Writing 

Students are taught final writing pitfalls to avoid and why before evaluating a variety of essays for what makes them good or bad. 

Session 10: 

Presentations & Feedback 

Students present their final essay on a subject of their choice. Students give and receive constructive feedback from their course leader and peers. 


Please feel free to email us at to ask any questions you have or request more information.

Alternatively, scan the QR code below or view the flyers to find more details about the course dates and schedule.

We are offering a 20% promotional discount for students that sign up before March 31st 2021.

Oscar Hardy