Congratulations to our top tutors!

2022 has come to an end and with that there are a few people we would like to acknowledge.

This includes our top tutors for the year, Mark Comfort and Hermione Mills! Between them they have amassed a grand total of 1,355 hours and 50 minutes of tuition. That deserves some recognition!


Hermione works with Libra Education’s online school as a History and English teacher. She works so well with children and can motivate and push them to excel. An excellent example of this was when she used her passion for English to help her student who struggled to enjoy writing develop confidence as writers. Hermione is clearly able to transmit her love of English and History through her kind and caring manner.


Mark is an English teacher for Libra Education’s online school and has been working with Libra Education since 2017. He loves to challenge his students, keeping them motivated, curious and inspired. His students look forward to his classes and his kind and diligent nature come across in every lesson he teaches. Mark is a top-notch report writer and is always ready to discuss any student and help them to develop their skills further.

We would like to say a big thank you to Hermione and Mark and we look forward to working with them in 2023!

Oscar Hardy