To support talented young people with an interest in learning about life studying abroad, we are hosting a series of 10 talks each discussing a different aspect of studying or working in the UK or US. Students should be prepared to learn and engage in each talk with content designed to give hints, tips, and expert advice on how to make studying in the UK or US a reality.
Libra Education’s Head of Marketing, Chan Zou, graduated from Central Saint Martins with a degree in Product Design. She has 8 years’ experience as an education consultant all while working in the creative industries. Chan will talk about the challenges students face in building a portfolio, gaining a place to study and settling in during their first year of studies in the UK.
Sign up to our talk today to learn about:
How to develop an excellent application to study a creative discipline at university.
How to refine your portfolio of work and present yourself positively.
How to settle in to your first year of studies in the UK.