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Oxbridge admissions deadline: what you need to know

As September comes to a close and October is upon us, the deadline for Oxbridge applications is getting closer. By the 15th of October, all applications to Oxford and Cambridge must be submitted as well as applications for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary. The application process involves choosing a college, finalising your personal statement and completing your references on UCAS

What time is the deadline? 

Everything must be submitted by 18.00pm (UK time) that day. Remember to check the time zone difference for international applicants. You should aim to submit your application well in advance of the deadline in order to prevent a last-minute rush where mistakes can happen. Give yourself plenty of time to proofread everything before you send off your application. 

How can I cut down my personal statement? 

After months of drafting and redrafting, fitting all of your interests and achievements into 4000 characters can be a challenge. If you are at this point of the process and your statement is over 4000 characters, do not panic. The first step to maintaining depth and detail while shortening and improving your statement is to read it through sentence by sentence and check that each sentence serves a purpose. Each sentence should demonstrate why you should study your chosen course through your academic interests and experiences. 


How do I choose a college? 

There are many things to take into consideration when picking a college. The first thing to consider is whether or not your course is offered there; most colleges offer most subjects but don’t forget to check this! Colleges vary by location, size, accommodation type, facilities and Academic staff which are all factors to consider when making your choice. For me, a small, central college was important, but this is really personal preference. Research colleges thoroughly and think about what is important to you. 

Useful Links

Application statistics | Undergraduate Study (

Cambridge College Pros and Cons | The Student Room

Oxford College Pros and Cons - The Student Room

How can I book my admissions test?

For the Oxbridge selection process, most colleges require you to sit an admissions test which takes place after the admissions deadline in November. The deadline to book this is also the 15th of October. First of all, check if your college requires you to sit an admissions test and if it does, book it through the link below. Registering for UCAS does not book you in for a test automatically, you have to book this in addition to your application.

For test-takers | Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing

Good luck with your application!