Resource of the Week - Tenses Exercises

Our resource this week is a summary of worksheets for learning tenses from - these are worksheets for any student to develop their knowledge of English grammar and tenses effectively. You can download these worksheets directly by visiting their website here.

This is a great resource for students to use to develop their understanding of tenses and grammar. The resources themselves are quite explanatory, however, below is our guidance for students when studying tenses:

  • Use worksheets such as the above to practise using tenses correctly. Consult a teacher or tutor for any areas you are unsure about.

  • Practise applying the tense in your speech for different situations. Frequent practice will embed the use of these tenses into your active vocabulary and enable you to express yourself more fluently in English.

  • Use helpful infographics such as the below from to visualise the differences between the tenses.


We hope this will students’ understanding of tenses and grammar. This should enable students to further express themselves in English. From all of us at Libra Education, never stop learning!

Oscar Hardy