Debate Coaching

Debate Coaching


This course is a chance for students to develop their debate skills through a combination of lessons on public speaking, speech-writing and critical thinking. Students study arguments and techniques employed by professional debaters before applying them in their lesson.

We are offering a 20% early-bird discount if you sign up before the end of March 2021.

Course dates:

19th-23rd July 2021: 9.00-11.15 AM UK (Senior 14-18) 

26th-30th July 2021: 9.00-11.15 AM UK (Junior 8-13) 

Register your interest. Pay by other methods. Speak directly to a consultant.

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Debate Coaching

A chance for students to improve their debate skills with their debate coach.

The course is designed for secondary school aged students (13-18) years old.

Course timings and dates:

19th-23rd July 2021: 9.00-11.15 AM UK (Senior 14-18) 

26th-30th July 2021: 9.00-11.15 AM UK (Junior 8-13) 

9am - 11.15am UK time each day

The first session each day is from 9am-10am followed by a short break. The second session of the day begins at 10.15am and finishes at 11.15am.

The maximum number of students within each group will be 4 students.

Course requirements: 

  • A computer with good internet access. 

  • Zoom to access lessons. 

  • A reasonable level of oral and written English. 

  • 30 minutes of independent planning tasks between sessions. 

By the end of the course, the student will have:   

  • Enhanced their public speaking skills. 

  • Developed a wide repertoire of topics and evidence to discuss. 

  • Understood and applied key debate strategies.    

This course is an excellent opportunity for students to learn to think logically and critically, build sound arguments and apply them effectively in speech.  

Course structure

Students will complete two sessions per day

Session 1: 

Video Games are Essential for Modern Day Life 

Students are introduced to the essential concepts of debate: reasoning, evidence and causality before discussing they are important when debating. 

Session 2: 

Science is more Important than Religion 

Students continue to engage with a controversial debate topic and apply their critical reasoning through thought experiments. 

Session 3: 

The Environment Should Be the Biggest Priority for All 

Students practise their listening and response skills by summarising key proposition arguments and forming a rebuttal to each point. 

Session 4: 

Healthcare Should Be Free for All 

Students continue to engage with a controversial debate topic and apply their listening and response skills by summarising arguments and forming a rebuttal. 

Session 5: 

Celebrities Have more Influence than Politicians 

 Students practise their organisation skills by reviewing and prioritising information before practising working as a team with different roles within the debate. 

Session 6: 

Technology Will Save the World 

Students continue to engage with a controversial debate topic and apply their organisation skills by prioritising information and adopting different debate roles. 

Session 7: 

Childhood Obesity is Always the Parents' Fault 

 Students develop and practise their expression and delivery using debate techniques such as: power of 3, anecdotal evidence and cadence. 

Session 8: 

Houses are more Important than Parks 

Students continue to engage with a controversial debate topic and develop their expression and delivery by practising fundamental debate skills. 

Session 9: 

I Work to Live; not Live to Work 

Students participate in a full formal debate using all of the skills and techniques they have learned and practised during the course. 

Session 10: 

Airplanes are Crowded and Unsafe 

Students participate in a full formal debate using all of the skills and techniques they have learned and practised during the course.