British Culture and Pronunciation

British Culture and Pronunciation


The course is designed for students who would like to visit the UK for travel or studies. During the course, students learn about British traditions, holidays, typical food and other aspects of British daily life. The communicative approach of lessons helps students to improve their English though various games, dialogues and role-plays. At the end of the course, students prepare and deliver a presentation on a chosen topic about the UK.

We are offering a 20% early-bird discount if you sign up before the end of March 2021.

Course dates: 26th-30th July 2021 (Senior age 13-16) 

16th-20th August 2021 (Junior age 10-12)  

Register your interest. Pay by other methods. Speak directly to a consultant.

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British Culture and Pronunciation

Students improve their English through learning about the British way of life.

This course is designed for students between the ages of 10 and 16 and is split into juniors and seniors.

Course timings and dates:

26th-30th July 2021 (Senior age 13-16) 

16th-20th August 2021 (Junior age 10-12)  

9am - 11.15am UK time each day.

The first session each day is from 9am-10am followed by a short break. The second session of the day begins at 10.15am and finishes at 11.15am.

The maximum number of students within each group will be 6 students.

Course requirements: 

  • A computer with good internet access. 

  • A Zoom login to access lessons. 

  • 30 minutes of independent planning tasks between sessions. 

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the course, the student will have:  

  • Improved their confidence with written and spoken English. 

  • Learned about the UK and British traditions, culture and daily life. 

  • Delivered a presentation on chosen topic about the UK. 

This course is an excellent chance for students to develop their English ability in preparation for visiting and learning in the UK. 

Course structure

Students will complete two sessions per day

Session 1: 


Students begin by working with the course leader to differentiate vowel sounds using games based on the geography of the UK. 

Session 2:  


Students identify and practise different vowel combinations while learning about popular British weekend activities.  

Session 3:  


Students practise difficult sounds using tongue twisters before taking a quiz on the British royal family. 

Session 4: 


Students study sentence stress and word stress by listening to recordings and writing down stressed words alongside a discussion of the British modern family. 

Session 5: 

Work in the UK 

Students learn about the appropriate rhythm and register for sounding friendly and interested in different situations including at work. 

Session 6:  

British Food 

Students learn about British cuisine before studying the “schwa” sound and differentiating between the British and American accents. 

Session 7:  


Students learn about the importance of manners in British society as well as stuyding silent consonants through games. 

Session 8:  

British Sports 

Students learn about connected speech, specifically how to link sounds in sentences correctly before discussing the variety of popular British sports.  

Session 9:  

News and History 

Students learn central events in the UK’s history as well study very British expressions, including commonly used words in spoken British English. 

Session 10:  

Presentations & Feedback 

Students deliver their presentations on a topic of their choice. Students answer questions and receive constructive feedback from their course leader and peers.