Junior Computer Science Course: Build Your Own Scratch Game!

Junior Computer Science Course: Build Your Own Scratch Game!


This course stretches and develops students’ computer programming skills in producing a working computer game via the Scratch programming language. Students are coached through different key computer science concepts in programming before applying them in their project. This is suitable for students new to computer science as well as students with programming experience looking to develop their skills further.

We are offering a 20% early-bird discount if you sign up before the end of March 2021.

Course dates: 2nd-6th August 2021

Register your interest. Pay by other methods. Speak directly to a consultant.

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Junior Computer Science

A course to develop your computer programming skills and build your own game!

The course is suitable for complete beginners, under 14s or those who would like to develop their ability.

Course times and dates:

2nd-6th August 2021

9.00-11.15 AM UK each day

The first session each day is from 9am-10am followed by a short break. The second session of the day begins at 10.15am and finishes at 11.15am.

The maximum number of students within each group will be 4 students.

Course requirements: 

  • A desktop computer with good internet access (Windows / Apple Mac or Linux). 

  • An up-to-date browser, ideally Chrome or Firefox. 

  • Zoom with permissions enabled so the course leader can share screen. 

  • Download the offline Scratch website https://scratch.mit.edu/download

  • Course leader will provide a login for students to sign up prior to the course start. 

Learning outcomes: By the end of the course, the student will have: 

•    Improved their understanding of programming languages. 

•    Increased their ability to code functions. 

•    Developed their own working computer game. 

This course is an excellent chance for students to pursue their passion for computer science and develop their own creative project.  

Course structure

Session 1: 

The Maze 

Students introduced to the ‘Maze Game’. Students will produce their first sprite and background. Students will share ideas with other students on the course. 

Session 2:  

Character Programming 

This session will be where the programming of their character begins. The character will respond to the environment via programming of basic movement. 

Session 3:  

Code Variables 

Students will create variables in their code to make goals, lives, points and answers that affect the outcome of the game. 

Session 4: 

Developing Code Part I 

Students will progress to more advanced stages - creating new levels to add to the game’s complexity. 

Session 5: 

Simulating Concepts in Code 

More complex concepts are introduced - students will introduce code to simulate gravity and other concepts to affect objects.  

Session 6:  

Review & Improve 

Using Dr Scratch review to auto-assess the game’s development so far, students will review and improve their game. 

Session 7:  

Developing Code Part II 

Additional features and new scratch tools will be introduced to student games dependent on how far their game has progressed. 

Session 8:  

Additional Features 

Music features will be added to the game and students will have a chance to showcase their game to other students. 

Session 9:  

Final Development 

An opportunity to enhance the game and finalise it in preparation for the final presentation. Students will edit their game or add additional features. 

Session 10:  

Presentations & Feedback 

Students will showcase their finalised game to the class and share feedback with one another on the games they have created. 

After the course, students will be able to continue developing their game and use it as a foundation to progress to more advanced computer programming skills!